Πέμπτη 14 Ιουλίου 2011




Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure





Christodoulakis, Theodosios
Phd in Psychiatry, Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, Director of EOPS, Athens, Greece
Dallaire, Yvon
MA in Psychology, Option Santé, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Fthenakis, Wassilios
Professor of Developmental Psycology, Free University Bozen, Germany
Golden, Tom
LCSW, Webhealing.com, Gaithersburg, MD, U.S.A.
Hasanagas, Nikolaos
PhD in Social Sciences, Technological Education Institute of Kavala, Greece
Kalfopoulou, Iphigenia
Chairman of the Greek Adoptees Reunion Registry, Thessaloniki, Greece
Kalierou, Liana
ΜΑ in Family Therapy, MA in Developmental Psychology,
Member of the American Psychotherapy Association, Athens, Greece
Kambouri, Fani
Postgraduate Researcher at the Laboratory of Methodology Research in Health
and Safety-Related Topics, Department of Social Work,
Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete, Greece
Kammer, Jack
MSW, LGSW, MBA, The Center for Men and Boys in Social Policy,
Baltimore MD, U.S.A.
Kouros, Ioannis
Child Psychiatrist, M.D., DEAPA, C.E.S.,
President of the Association of Psychology and Psychiatry for Adults and Children,
Athens, Greece
Kupstis, Ken
Journalist, BA in Communication Arts, Assistant to CNN Miami Bureau, FL, U.S.A.
Kyrou, Georgios
Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Lambrou, Ioannis
PhD in Men's Studies, Associate of the Undergraduate Gender Studies Programme
of the University of Athens, Greece
Lorandos, Demosthenes
PhD in Philosophy, JD, Clinical Psychologist, Attorney at Law,
Nationally Recognized Expert on False Allegations of Physical and Sexual Abuse,
Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A.
Maamer, Kerim
Responsible of the Center of Parental Rights, Brussels, Belgium
Moumouzias, Georgios
Vice-President of the Greek Father's Organization SY.G.A.P.A.,
Inspector of the Greek Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare, Thessaloniki, Greece
Piromalli, Amédéo
President, I-Comme-Identité, Paris, France
Spitalas, Nikolas
President of the Greek Father's Organization SY.G.A.P.A., Thessaloniki, Greece
Tripolitou, Dionisia
ΜΑ in Sociology, Trainer of Adults, Advisor of Familial Planning and Human Potential,
Kos, Greece
Tromp, Pieter
PhD in Paedagogics/Child Psychology, Father Knowledge Center Europe,
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tsirvoula, Fani
Attorney at Law, Athens, Greece
Tzamalouka, Georgia
PhD in Sociology, Instructor at the Laboratory of Methodology Research in Health
and Safety-Related Topics, Department of Social Work,
Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete, Greece
Van Ginkel, Joost
Film Director, The Netherlands
Vanderheyden, Jean-Émile
Phd in Neuropsychiatry, Hôpital André Vésale, Montigny-le-Tilleul, Belgium
Verdis, Athanasios
Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology,
University of Athens, Greece
Whiston, Robert
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Chairman of the Equal Parenting Federation,
United Kingdom
Willekens, Michel
Founder, Militant Member, International Network "La Vie des Pères",
Co-founder of "Collectif des Pères Séparés – Sos Papa Bruxelles - Wallonie", Belgium
Zohrab, Peter Douglas
LLB, BA, BA (Hons), President of the New Zealand Equality Education Foundation,
Paraparaumu, New Zealand
7:00 p.m – 9:00 p.m.
President SYGAPA, Politicians and other invitated persons,
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Robert Whiston
Law is Parochial
9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Robert Whiston
Children Act 1989: The Elimination of Shared Parenting
10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Pieter Tromp
Benefits of Post-Divorce Shared Parenting and the Situation in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Liana Kalierou
Father and Daugther
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Demosthenes Lorandos
Parental Alienation Syndrome:
Detractors and the Junk Science Vacuum
12:00 noon – 12:30 p.m.
Peter Douglas Zorhab
The Move to Female Subjectivity as the Standard for Law and Policy
12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Theodosios Christodoulakis
The Effects of Divorce on the Psychology of Children and Adults
1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Kerim Maamer
Opinion sur les créances alimentaires
1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Amédéo Piromalli
Enquêtes sociales
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Fani Tsirvoula
Issues Regarding the Assignment of the Custody of Children fter the Breakup of Marriage
2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Michel Willekens
Rapport d’introduction à la problématique
des destructions familiales par les dysfonctionnements
de la Justice et des Institutions ayant pour cause
une discrimination de sexe

4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Georgios Kyrou
Children Sometimes Take Revenge
4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Jean-Émile Vandreheyden
La pénibilité des divorces conflictuels:
Αpologie pour une prise de conscience sociétale
5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Nikolas Spitalas
Le rôle de l’ école et des médecins aux enfants du divorce
5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m – 9:00 a.m.
Yvon Dallaire
La réelle fonction du père
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Ioannis Kouros
Parental Disharmony in Children with Disturbances
in their Character
9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Athanasios Verdis
Children’s Narratives during their Discussions with Adults
10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Dionisia Tripolitou
Familial Stereotypes and the Impact of Children's Behaviour n the Family
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Iphigenia Kalfopoulou
Adoptions and Fathers
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Fani Kambouri & Georgia Tzamalouka
The Institution of Justice as a Means of Aggressiveness-Extortion
by the Woman/Mother against the Man/Father
12:00 noon – 12:30 p.m.
Nikolaos Hasanagas
Gender Relations and Power: “Existential Imperialism”?
12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Ken Kupstis
Caveat Amator: Strategies for Men during False Allegations
1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Georgios Moumouzias
Labor and Equality: Myth and Reality
1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Jack Kammer
Gender Diversity in the Social Work Profession

2 :00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Wassilios Fthenakis
The Father as More than (Just) Breadwinner:
The Prospects of a Family Policy Sensible to Fathers
2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ioannis Lambrou
Proposals for a Greek Men's Studies Research Plan
4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Joost Van Ginkel
Sand, 2008, Stichting Zand, The Netherlands Dissant: Pieter Tromp
4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
‘Tom Golden
Men's Issues Potentially Impacting All 149 Million Men and Boys
in the U.S. (2008)
Discussant: Ioannis Lambrou

5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Conference Conclusions
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Assembly of the Greek Father’s Organsation SY.G.A.P.A.
9:00 a.m – 10:00 a.m.
Videos and films projections
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Christodoulakis, Theodosios
The Effects of Divorce on the Psychology of Children and AdultsSession II – Saturday, January 3
This paper gives an account of the psychoanalytical theories which have shaped the way that the law sees fathers. It argues that while Adler’s theories see fathers and mothers as equally important for the psychological development of children, it is basically the theories of Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud and Melanie Klein that have shaped modern legal thinking. The latter three psychoanalysts have promulgated the importance of the child’s attachment to the mother, thus elevating her status to that of the “primary caregiver” to the child. As a result, today’s legal systems give the custody of children to the mother in most cases of divorce. A re-reading of Adler though may reinstate the role of fathers as equally competent caregivers with mothers, thus giving them the possibility to equally father their children when marriages break up.
Dallaire, Yvon
La réelle fonction du père
Session IV – Sunday, January 4
Après avoir fait la distinction entre rôle sexuel et fonction sexuelle, l’auteur résume la principale fonction paternelle comme une fonction de séparation de la mère et l’enfant, afin de permettre à l’enfant de s’élancer dans la vie et de rappeler à la mère qu’elle est aussi une femme. À cette fonction de séparation s’ajoutent la protection physique et émotive de l’enfant, l’éducation à la maîtrise de ses besoins, l’initiation au monde extérieur et la filiation à un arbre généalogique. L’article se termine en présentant les diverses alternatives du père moderne et en dénonçant le fait que la fonction paternelle est davantage présentée dans ses aspects négatifs que positifs.
Fthenakis, Wassilios
The Father as More than (Just) Breadwinner: The Prospects of a Family Policy
Sensible to Fathers
Session VII – Sunday, January 4
This paper accounts for a German and an English study on fatherhood. It also recounts several political actions that have been taken in various countries in order to strengthen the role of fathers. Based on these facts, the paper argues that in order to make fathers a focal point in our society, states should undertake more actions in order to educate fathers to take care of their children and in order to give them the opportunity to spend more time with them by offering them longer paternity leaves when the children are young. This is because it has been scientifically proven that when children are close to their fathers at a tender age, they are less prone to feel alienated from them later on in life.

Golden, Tom
Men's Issues Potentially Impacting All 149 Million Men and Boys in the U.S (Film), 2008
Session VIII – Sunday, January 4
The male sex role of provide and protect along with the forces of chivalry work together silently and powerfully to hide the needs and emotional pain of men. For thousands of years this was a necessity for survival as men sacrificed their personal needs and opportunities for emotional closeness in order to bring safety and security to their families and larger communities and help them thrive. The problem now is that these old roles and unconscious behaviours are no longer needed for survival purposes and instead have become a burden to men and boys. At the same time the rigid sex roles of women have been declared archaic and girls and women have been given much greater latitude in their personal choices that heretofore were limited in a similar fashion to men's roles. Unlike today's women, today's men are automatically expected to stay more closely within the confines of their age-old sex roles. This leaves men with a heavy harness of old cultural prescriptions and almost everyone with the assumption that men don't have emotional needs. This video examines some of the problems that have sprung from these inequities.
Hasanagas, Nikolaos
Gender Relations and Power: “Existential Imperialism”?
Session V – Sunday, January 4
The aim of this analysis is to describe erotic relation as a power game between genders and to raise hypotheses and initiatives for further research rather than to present concrete research results. Power practically means dependence (exchange) and it is not an independent type of relation. Every relation in our life, even the most “innocent” one, is a power relation (offering-receiving). According to Popitz, power can be distinguished into four categories: a) action power (violence), b) instrumental power (threat of violence), c) authoritative power (love or trust), and d) data-setting power (control based on material instruments). Erotic relation is a game of instrumental and authoritative power. In particular, erotic relation can be composed of love (one willfully lets someone influence his/her character) and a threat of violence (namely a controlled exchange of a sexual or another material offer or social prestige). By considering the size of an actual or expected offering, one can distinguish relations of different degrees of dependence. A weak dependence relation is friendship, a middle dependence relation is the professional cooperation, and a strong dependence relation is love. In the third case, the dependence is so strong that one may call it “existential imperialism”. The higher the dependence, the sooner is the offering expected to be counterbalanced by a concrete equivalent return. Otherwise, a conflict or disruption of the relation will take place. In the case of erotic relation there is however an obstacle: usually the partners hesitate to clarify what exactly they expect from each other, because clarity would eliminate any romanticism and “degrade” erotic relation to “business”. Erotic relation is more susceptible to conflict than “friendship” or professional cooperation, because erotic partners sacrifice clarity for romanticism.
Kalfopoulou, Iphigenia
Adoptions and Fathers
Session IV – Sunday, January 4
The adopted child, according to the Greek Family Law and the Greek Civil Code, constitutes a genuine child in his or her adoptive family. Consequently, in accordance with the law, all the procedures that are also followed for the genuine child in every legal issue apply.
Of course, there have existed certain examples, which were indeed very decisive, where children have been adopted because the father wanted it the most while the mother wanted it the least.
In particular, women fully enjoy their hereditary rights on the fortune of their husbands only if they have children with them. Otherwise, the fortune of the husband is distributed also among the other first-degree relatives, brothers, children from previous marriages of husband etc.
Hence, an unnatural phenomenon was observed in several cases where the father makes efforts to adopt a child, with all the sacrifices and discomforts involved in such an adoption, while the candidate adoptive mother remains a simple spectator who tries to establish her role in the family and particularly in the hereditary succession of the family.
Of course, the legislator never checked whether certain adoptions were made only by the adoptive fathers and not by the adoptive mothers, and this caused many children to be excluded from the hereditary property and be substantially wronged by their “mothers”.
Isn't that the case with many couples that are separated nowadays, when the mother is married again and has children with her new husband? Aren't the children from her first marriage thus wronged?
This observation concerns many adopted children who, due to the lack of a legislative framework and a proper inspectional mechanism, found themselves literally on the streets because of their unilateral adoption.
Abstract translated from English to Greek by Nikos Konidis
Kalierou, Liana
Father and Daughter
Session I – Saturday, January 3
We live in a time when women are working with the same ambition and intensity as men, and as a result men have assumed the task of child-rearing with the same devotion and care as women. This recent change has yet to be apparent in any adjustment of the Greek Family law which enables Greek judges to award child custody to mothers unconditionally. A large body of research has already established the importance of fathers’ love for the development of children; in particular we now know that fathers contribute enormously to the social, emotional and cognitive functioning of their children. It is well known, for example, that children who receive more father love are less likely to struggle with behavioural or substance abuse problems. If these facts are somehow accepted they are most commonly associated with the relationship between a father and a son. In this presentation I will explain why we need to take these beliefs a step further and emphasize the ability of a single father to raise a daughter as well as a son if we are to change the way the Greek legal system awards custody between mothers and fathers. I explain the benefits that a daughter can reap from a close and loving relationship with her father. These benefits are as important as a) a positive message about her competence, talents, and intellectual abilities in problem solving and task mastery; b) a strong sense of equality with men. When loving fathers are cut out of their daughters' lives, they both suffer.
Kambouri, Fani & Tzamalouka, Georgia
The Institution of Justice as a Means of Aggressiveness-Extortion by the Woman/Mother against the Man/Father
Session V – Sunday, January 4
A number of studies have shown that intra-marital violence is directed from men towards women to a similar degree as from women towards men. A question raised by these studies is how there is a large difference internationally between the number of male criminals and that of female ones, with female criminals being far less than males. In some studies it is argued that statistics on criminality are shaped to a very large extent by gender-related prejudice. American and British research has shown that it is less possible for violent women to be arrested and persecuted than violent men. Therefore, statistics regarding the number of male and female criminals are also biased. Based on these facts, this paper aims to investigate whether justice is used as a means of female aggressiveness, as many women tend to accuse their husbands of violence in order to acquire alimony, child custody and property assets from their husbands. For this purpose 20 trial briefs and trial decisions provided by the Greek fathers’ organization SY.G.A.P.A. are used.
Kammer, Jack
Gender Diversity in the Social Work Profession
Session VI – Sunday, January 4
In 2000, men were 15 percent of MSW graduates in the US. This statistic is inevitably related to the number of men entering the social work profession. The 2006 Executive Summary of the National Association of Social Workers workforce study of licensed social workers notes that “social work clearly is not drawing young entrants who are men”. Furthermore, the social work profession may become further female-dominated as older men age out of the workforce.”
The relative absence of men in social work has serious negative implications for fathers, for children and for father-child relationships. Social workers are often instrumental in custody decisions following divorce. They also play key roles in determining who will raise children removed from neglectful parents by Child Protection workers. Since the culture of social work is primarily female, subjective judgments made by social workers – even those few social workers who are male – will inevitably reflect the values of female culture, chief of which is a focus on the needs of women and mothers and a corresponding disinterest in and misunderstanding of the needs, strengths and circumstances of fathers. In custody decisions this bias often manifests in custody recommendations against father custody or joint custody. In Child Protection cases it often results in reflexively placing children with relatives of a neglectful mother or with unrelated foster parents, completely ignoring the availability and desire of noncustodial fathers to be given custody so they can raise their children.
This paper examines the reasons that might be offered in support of increasing gender diversity at UMSSW; it also looks at possible objections we might anticipate. Ultimately, the paper concludes that the core social work principle of diversity provides the most solid rationale.
Kouros, Ioannis
Parental Disharmony in Children with Disturbances in their Character
Session IV – Sunday, January 4
In this study we have tried to examine the relationship between parents and children with disturbances in their character, in order to specifically ascertain the role of the father. A scale with 16 double questions has been used, which modifies the 4th part of C. Rogers' personality test. The group of children with disturbances in their character was selected by the Child Psychiatry department of a hospital, and the control group by the pediatric services of the same hospital. Each group consisted of 40 children.
Abstract translated from Greek to English by Nikos Konidis
Kupstis, Ken
Caveat Amator: Strategies for Men during False Allegations
Session V – Sunday, January 4
If there is indeed still a ‘battle of the sexes’, then false allegations (of domestic violence, child abuse, rape or other crimes) are its ‘secret weapons’. A good deal of well-meaning but ultimately sexist legislation has been created throughout most of western civilization that seeks to protect women on the surface, while stripping men of their basic rights. In America, under the Violence Against Women Act, many states have adopted a ‘must arrest’ policy for law enforcement for any report of domestic violence, whether legitimate or false.
Due to the overwhelming degree of bias men face during false allegations of domestic violence and other crimes, it is imperative that today’s men consider the following:
1. Educate themselves on the current Domestic Violence laws prevailing in their community;
2. Evaluate their partner, their current living situation, their assets, and their standing in the community;
3. Imagine what would occur if their partner made a false allegation against them, and prepare for it, as improbable or disagreeable as it may be;
4. Safeguard their assets and consider using evidence-gathering technology;
5. Know their rights, and what counter-claims are available to them;
6. ‘Fight Fire With Fire’ with the threat of a retaliatory counter-claim;
7. Hold their accusers, law enforcement personnel and prosecutors accountable by using the letter of the law in combination with legal research, precedents, and creativity. (For example, since kidnapping has the legal definition of being moved against one’s will, policemen could conceivably be guilty of it by making a false arrest, and one’s accuser could conceivably be an accomplice, or co-conspirator.)
Too many law-abiding men go ‘on the defensive’ when victimized by false allegations, and/or depend on law enforcement and the courts to ‘treat them fairly’. This has lead to a host of social ills – wounded families, state-ordered ‘divorce’, a marriage strike, damaged reputations, and a swamped court system. Moreover, an entire ‘cottage industry’ with no other agenda but to punish men, continues to grow and operate with impunity. Today’s men can simply no longer afford to be silent and ignorant about the effects of false allegations made about them or their brethren.
Kyrou, Georgios
Children Sometimes Take Revenge
Session III – Saturday, January 3
This paper draws on the recent youth unrest in Greece to argue that the customary policy of the Greek law to give the primacy to mothers within Greek families and the mothers’ ensuing domination of their children are largely responsible for the anger of today’s Greek youths.
Lambrou, Ioannis
Proposals for a Greek Men's Studies Research Plan
Session VII – Sunday, January 4
This paper initially accounts for the main issues that have been raised by Men’s Studies in Greece and abroad. Given that Men’s Studies in Greece are an extremely new field, the paper draws upon research that has been carried out in other parts of the world, where the study of masculinity is of longer standing. It takes into account not only the pitfalls into which Men’s Studies have fallen abroad, but also the particularities of Greek society, as well as research on masculinity that has been carried out in Greece within a non-academic framework, for instance by the media or independent researchers. Through this account a sensible plan to develop Men’s Studies in Greece is sought.
Lorandos, Demosthenes
Parental Alienation Syndrome: Detractors and the Junk Science Vacuum
Session II – Saturday, January 3
This article is a critique of the work of three parental alienation syndrome “detractors,” Wood, Faller, and Bruch. This critique is set against the current research that finds judges and court personnel needing new tools to better make science-based judgments. The vacuum created by court personnel uninformed about scientific analysis finds “junk science” from detractors creeping into important family law adjudications. An overview of the scientific methods regarding P.A.S. is provided, along with recommendations for the education of judge and court personnel.
Maamer, Kerim
Opinion sur les créances alimentaires
Session II – Saturday, January 3
Le mouvement des pères en Belgique est défendu par des initiatives individuelles et éparses où se mêlent les déchirures individuelles et l’impuissance à se faire entendre. Le Centre des Droits Parentaux à Bruxelles a proposé un lieu de rencontre où les parents échangent leurs points de vues sur leurs difficultés familiales. Des parents de toutes tendances intellectuelles, idéologiques et professionnelles se sont présentés dans leurs solitudes et dans leurs confidences. Certains sont au bord de l‘éclatement, d’autres veulent contribuer à dénoncer l’instrumentalisation du droit et des procédures judiciaires. Nous avons accueilli plus de 320 personnes par an dont une majorité de pères, quelques mères et grands-parents, travaillé dix années pour tenter de préserver nos enfants et partagé beaucoup d’amitiés et de solidarités. Notre expérience aurait mérité un soutien des pouvoirs publics, tant les pères se trouvent en état de demande et d’impuissance. Chaque évènement de l’actualité sur les difficultés familiales rejaillit par le retour d’une cinquantaine de mails et une trentaine d’appels téléphoniques. Les appels proviennent le plus souvent de femmes, qui prennent la peine de l’information en faveur de leur fils, mari, ami, collègue, compagnon… Les tendances récentes ont montré un déplacement de ces problématiques vers des couples jeunes (et donc, enfants en phase de construction mentale), à traditions religieuses et paupérisés. Avec notre système, ils vont retomber à la charge collective. Les émotions de femmes dans ces difficultés touchent plus, là où les hommes préfèrent l’ironie et l’humour. Certaines personnes clandestines et de sévères traumats psychiatriques nous ont affecté. Nous regrettons la faiblesse des retours positifs et l’importance croissante des difficultés chez nos camarades.
L’objet de cette contribution est d’expliquer le système de récupération des contributions alimentaires; d’en donner un point de vue de «pères», ou de «parents secondarisés»; appuyer d’exemples concrets et de citer un modèle de jurisprudence qui mérite à être entendu par les juges (pour qu’ils considèrent le seuil de pauvreté) et par les politiques (pour qu’ils adoptent une loi sur la protection de l’individu).
Markatos, NiKos
justise against me
Moumouzias, Georgios
Labor and Equality: Myth and Reality
Session VI – Sunday, January 4
Today’s Greek legislation regarding labour is based on old traditions of mankind. According to these traditions men were the main laborers, while women stayed home and raised children. The legacy of these traditions in today’s Greek legislation is that for instance, Greek men are obliged to work until they are 65 years old, before they can get their pension, while Greek women can become pensioners at the age of 60. When a woman is a mother of minors, she can become a pensioner even when she is 50 years old, depending on the number of her children, whereas there is no such provision for fathers. Furthermore, a mother can get a motherhood leave on most occasions, but there are significant restrictions for fatherhood leaves. Therefore, today’s Greek legislation should take into account the tremendous changes that have taken place during the past decade in the percentage of women in the workforce, as well as in the nature of vocations available – more technology means less requirement for muscular strength, which is traditionally the domain of males – and thus readapt in order to become fairer to men.
Piromalli, Amédéo
Enquêtes Sociales
Session II – Saturday, January 3
La présente étude ne vise ni la sédition à l’égard de la juridiction familiale, ni la délation à l’égard des enquêteurs sociaux. Elle se veut une contribution modeste et objective sur l’enquête sociale, partant de l’idée simple et incontestable selon laquelle la justice est au service des justiciables.
Chacun sait que l’enquête sociale est une mesure d’information destinée à éclairer le juge aux affaires familiales sur les modalités d’exercice de l’autorité parentale. Ainsi que le prévoit l’article 373-2-12 du Code civil, alinéa 1er, «avant toute décision fixant les modalités de l’exercice de l’autorité parentale et du droit de visite ou confiant les enfants à un tiers, le juge peut donner mission à toute personne qualifiée d’effectuer une enquête sociale. Celle-ci a pour but de recueillir des renseignements sur la situation de la famille et les conditions dans lesquelles vivent et sont élevés les enfants».
C’est pour cette raison que l’association I Comme Identité tient à attirer l’attention sur les travers de l’enquête sociale, précisément lorsque celle-ci est conduite par un psychologue. Il s’agit là d’une contribution à la pacification du «conflit» parental et à la préservation de l’intérêt de l’enfant dont les parents sont séparés. Pour les besoins de cette contribution, qui se veut modeste mais non moins objective, l’association a examiné dix rapports d’enquête sociale, soit exactement le nombre de rapports qu’il lui a été donné de disposer.
Spitalas, Nikolas
Le rôle de l’ école et des médecins aux enfants du divorce
Welcome Speech – Saturday, January 3
L'enfant est en grande partie dans l'ecole et, il a les activites et en dehors de la maison. Le maitre/professeur est plus pres de l'enfant que les parents. Cela a une grande importance pour les enfants du divorce qui ne sont pas proteges par la presence du pere. Un juge ignorant de ce fait ignorant qu’ en donnant la garde a l’ un parent et quelques heures de droit de visite par semaine a l’ autre, il provoque la fragilite de l'enfant, il l'abandonne a la complete autorite d'une personne, il et lui impose la personalite et la volonte de la derniere et non celle de l'enfant. Si la personalite et le psychisme du parent qui a l'autorite complete est instable (plus de 30% des personnes), l'enfant devient objet des catastrophes. Le professeur/directeur est menace par la mere (99,6% la garde en Grece est donnee a la mere), afin d'interdir l'entree du pere dans l'ecole. En Grece, il existe deux termes (garde-autorite) et meme les juges confondent les deux termes et dans les jugements (malgre la loi) ils donnent l'autorite parentale a la mere. Cela signifie que le pere n'a aucun droit d'intervention a l'education, a la sante et aux loisirs-sports des enfants. La mere depose des plaintes et apelle la police au cas ou le pere approche l'ecole, le medecin ou l'entraineur. Ainsi, elle provoque a l'enfant la peur de voir son pere accuse ou expulse. Le professeur-entraineur-medecin n' est pas la pour appliquer la loi et doit s'abstenir des paralogues idees imposes par la mere. La peur est une partie du S.A.P. provoque aux enfants (Gardner, Turkat, Lorandos). Ce syndrome est le resultat de toute cette opression sentimentale, la compression de la volonte, la peur et la soumision de l'enfant a un seul parent. Deux examples.
Tripolitou, Dionisia
Familial Stereotypes and the Impact of Children's Behaviour in the Family
Session IV – Sunday, January 4
The Greek patriarchal family, the matriarchal family, the nuclear or marital family, the extended family and the single-parent family: to what extent is their role invested beneficially through the parents or parent as a carrier of ethos, tradition and values, through companionship, through imagination, through an affectionate cuddle, through raising children from their infancy to their adolescence?
Sociology is interested in humans because they are socialised beings. Everybody, from the moment of his or her of birth, discovers predetermined ways of thinking, as well as ways to feel and behave, which he or she gradually internalises. This internalisation is what experts call socialisation. Socialisation thus requires that each person, from the primary stages of his or her life, should be educated by the stereotypes adopted by his or her family. As a result, children adopt familial stereotypes which they do not usually reconsider later in life. This could be positive or negative, depending on whether a child will chose the scenario of being a “winner” or a “loser”, a choice which usually does not change in adulthood. Therefore, every person is shaped by society, adopting ways of existence from his or her childhood, which later end up being seemingly “natural” or “instinctual” and allow him or her to adapt to the society where he or she belongs. To put it another way, ‘like father, like son’.
French sociologist Patrick Champagne argues that the idea that stereotypes are inherited from generation to generation stems from the fact that “culture acquired a different meaning in the 19th century, a meaning which includes the education of the members of a specific society, namely their knowledge, beliefs, art, morality, law and tradition”.
The idea that societies are subject to laws analogous to the laws of nature, which clashes with the religious belief that humans should fulfil the destiny imposed on them by divine powers, is not valid in contemporary sociology. On the other hand, according to the humanitarian tradition, humans are only defined by their conscience, therefore they are free and responsible for their actions. These views, which consider man a special being, deny the principle of determinism.
Tromp, Pieter
Benefits of Post-Divorce Shared Parenting
and the Situation in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany
Session I – Saturday, January 3
All across Europe the child custody debate has moved to the top of the political agenda. The battle lines are essentially the stark choice between mother-only custody of the child versus shared parenting, where both parents are participants in child custody. Much is at stake, not just for feminists, who support the former, and fathers, who support the latter, but for children regarding whether the balanced, healthy society we all seek will become a reality. This is a clash that must be won. It cannot, as American author Warren Farrell famously said, be an undeclared war won at a battlefield where only one side turned up. The question today is whether children in the post-divorce scenario grow up to be a liability and burden on the state, or a jewel in society's crown. After 30 years of feigning deafness, politicians across Europe are acknowledging the contributions fathers should be allowed to make to young children if they are ever to be properly 'socialised'. This cannot be done under the present regime of mother-only-custody found in most European countries.
This paper will address the psychological and emotional needs of children and it will also account for the great changes underway. Fathers for too long excluded from the social policy level and denied any input in shaping policy are today making small inroads. For instance, there have been developments in shared parenting in Dutch, Belgian and to a degree German family law, which I will also cover in this paper. Slowly, 'outcomes' (for so long championed by fathers' groups), are being adopted, as criterions rather then as ideologically driven dogmas. It was only 10 years ago that it was almost universally considered unnecessary for fathers to have any role after birth and they were seen as superfluous to children's needs. Slowly, as society has unravelled, it has been recognised that children in fatherless families run greater mortality and morbidity risks. Their 'quality of life' is poor, their 'life chances' negligible. Without fathers present they become victims of physical abuse, emotional and sexual abuse, have poor health, poor education, become alcohol and drug dependent, homeless and have a high risk of being imprisoned.
Tsirvoula, Fani
Issues Regarding the Assignment of the Custody of Children
after the Breakup of Marriage
Session II – Saturday, January 3
The assignment of custody to only one parent constitutes a deviation from the principle of equality of parents in their functional right, placed under juridicial regulation, and it breaches the basic rules of bringing up children based on the conclusions of child psychology. It also impends the regulating intervention of the court when the child switches to an attitude of refusal or dislike against the non-custodian parent due to actions or omissions of the parent who holds his or her custody.
More specifically, the legislator in articles 1511 and 1518 of the Greek Civil Code attempts to establish certain criteria, so that the judge is assisted in choosing the most suitable parent. Thus, the article 1511 para. 2 of the Greek Civil Code states that the decision of the court should respect the equality between the two parents in a way that any discrimination based on sex, race, language, religion, political or other convictions, citizenship, national or social origin and property may be avoided.
The equality of both parents, based on the provisions of article 4 para. 1 and 2 of the Greek Constitution, means that the aforementioned attributes of each parent shall not have any effect on the decision-making procedures of the court.
The old view, both in case law and in theory, that the care and custody of young children should be assigned to their mother because of their need for particular attention continues to be highly acclaimed today. However, for the period subsequent to the first months after childbirth, recent medical and psychological research recognizes the central role of the father in the entire configuration of the interpersonal relationships of the child. The father not only plays a fundamental role in the psycho-social growth of the child but also constitutes with his behavior a great influence to the child. The father, either due to current working conditions or due to the generally observed frequent change of role distribution between husband and wife in the modern era, can be eminently suitable for the smooth psycho-physical growth of young children. It is also persuasively supported today that the mother does not necessarily play a more important role for the upbringing of young children than the father. It is rather the parent that had assumed the main care of the child until the juridicial decision is issued that plays the most central role, in the sense that this parent (be it the father or the mother) has been more connected to the child, and it is important that this bond should not be broken, particularly in the infantile and pre-infantile age.
Consequently, if both parents are required for the psycho-physical and psycho-mental growth of minors, the court should select the parent with whom the child maintains the strongest mental bond.
Abstract translated from English to Greek by Nikos Konidis
Van Ginkel, Joost
Sand (Film), 2008.
Session VIII – Sunday, January 4
Luuk is a truck driver who seems a good-hearted father for his daughter Isabel. After Luuk divorces his wife Karen, Isabel goes to live with her mother. Whenever Luuk gets the chance he takes Isabel to the sea or for a ride in his sand-transporting truck. On one of these occasions Luuk discovers the horrific reason why Isabel is so quiet that day. From that moment on Luuk has to cope with a new and unexpected situation, and kidnaps his daughter in an attempt to protect her, but he nonetheless slowly loses control of the situation.
Vanderheyden, Jean-Émile
La pénibilité des divorces conflictuels: Αpologie pour une prise de conscience sociétale
Session III – Saturday, January 3
On admet qu’en Belgique, qu’au moins 20 % des divorces sont conflictuels, c’est-à-dire que les ex-partenaires ne pouvant s’entendre de manière consensuelle, confient le règlement de leur divorce à la Justice. Compte tenu de 30.000 divorces par an en Belgique, ce type de divorce concerne au moins 12.000 ex-partenaires et en moyenne 2 enfants par couple. On rajoute donc 12.000 enfants et si l’on table sur une durée de procédure minimum d’environ 10 ans, on peut considérer que ce type de divorce concerne au minimum un quart de million de personnes en Belgique, sans tenir compte des collatéraux. Ceci est donc loin d’être négligeable d’autant plus que toutes ces personnes vont souffrir plus au moins de difficultés psychologiques au long cours. En effet, toutes les personnes concernées par un divorce conflictuel vont se retrouver « perdantes » sur le plan financier et au minimum psychologique en dehors des avocats, du moins ceux qui mettent de l’huile sur le feu et induisent de longues procédures. De plus la Justice ne peut régler actuellement ce type de conflit qu’avec plusieurs niveaux de comparution, ce qui ne fait que compliquer les choses (Justice de Paix, 1ère Instance, Tribunal de la Jeunesse, Cour d’Appel, …). Nous développons ici les complications de ces divorces conflictuels expliquant que toutes les personnes concernées sont effectivement perdantes contrairement à une vue superficielle des choses mise en avant par certains.
Verdis, Athanasios
Children’s Narratives during their Discussions with Adults
Session IV – Sunday, January 4
This paper investigates the reliability of children’s narratives and the power relations that arise in their discussions with adults. Three cases are accounted for: an alleged rape case in the highschool of Amarinthos in Greece, Kelly Michaels’ false allegations of sexual abuse in New Jersey U.S.A., and children’s confessions in the case of a missing schoolboy in the city of Veria in Northern Greece. Children use inaccurate narratives in interviews that take place in staff rooms or in principals’ offices as well as in classrooms or schoolyards. Reasons for children’s inaccurate narratives are sought in the process of memory, but also in adults’ questioning tactics.
Whiston, Robert
Law is Parochial
Session I – Saturday, January 3
The transition from paternal custody to maternal custody – as the default for child allocation after separation – is now complete in the industrialised nations of the world. In most instances it has been a fait accompli; a seamless and silent transition, with no war declared and no battle commenced.
For the most part the transition has occurred during the Modern Epoch, i.e. 1945 to the present day, and accompanied by the levelling down of marriage with cohabitation, a process repeated for legitimate and illegitimate children. The epoch has seen the rise of the social welfare state. Alternative family style choices that were once economically not viable, and intrinsically remain so, are now subsidised to be made feasible. Separated and divorced mothers can make these choices and be given full custody solely because the tax payer subsidises them with state benefits, concessions and handouts.
In 2008 the world is recoiling from the international rigours of a banking collapse and is desperate for remedies. As the world emerged in 1945 from the traumas of a world war, the Anglo-American experience of marshalling scarce resources and then deploying them to theatres of war around the globe demonstrated that planned economies and central control could be successful. This reinforced early Soviet propaganda that progress and prosperity depended on Five Year Plans drawn up by a central committee, or commissariat. Nowhere in the post 1945 years was this concept adopted so meticulously than in the Social Sciences - giving birth to 'social engineering'.
It is argued by some that welfarism, i.e. state paid benefits, is the mechanism that permits mother custody and is therefore anathema to the father's role in the family.
Others, such as Debra Friedman, argue that the forty year period from 1860 to 1920 was the period (at least in the US) when the presumption of fathers being awarded custody of their children was reversed. Friedman poses two pertinent questions. Firstly, she asks why has a shift of this magnitude and importance been lost to the public memory in less than a hundred years? Secondly, she asks why did the dominant group, i.e. fathers, cede rights to mothers without duress - indeed, without concerted political or collective action of any kind?
Irrespective of cause, the apparent success of the planned switch to maternal preference invites the question 'Why have usurped fathers remained 'engaged' in a game that is contrary to their interests?
Whiston, Robert
Children Act 1989: The Elimination of Shared Parenting
Session I – Saturday, January 3
There are elements of British law which are baffling - even to the British. Somehow they don’t make sense. One of these is the infamous Children Act 1989.
The reason for this bafflement might be blamed on the convoluted minds that legal technicians are required to develop. However, there is another possible candidate – the Law Commission.
The Law Commission believes, for instance, that ‘the family’ was an afterthought and that fatherhood is a comparatively recent innovation. The reason it gives for this is that “historically, guardianship came first.” (Law Commission, “Parenthood and Guardianship”, p. 5).
In the beginning, somewhere between the Book of Genesis and the Jewish exile into Egypt, parenthood did not exist. At the beginning of recorded time, according to the Law Commission, a man used to protect his wife, his home, children and assets etc. not by relying on his strength, not by his kith and kin or tribe for security of ownership, but by reaching for the legal instrument called guardianship. Then, according to the Commission, he used guardianship, as an instrument for maintaining his authority over his family, children and possessions.
This article maps onto the major changes that occurred between 1975 and 1989 regarding the treatment of fathers by the Commission, and the reasons why these changes took effect.
Willekens, Michel
Rapport d’introduction à la problématique des destructions familiales
par les dysfonctionnements de la Justice et des Institutions
ayant pour cause une discrimination de sexe
Session II – Saturday, January 3
Nous présentons une analyse et des témoignages sur les mécanismes qui peuvent mener des pères de familles dans la pauvreté extrême, et même à la rue, à cause d’une séparation ou d’un divorce. Huit pères de familles, présents à la réunion de SOS Papa Bruxelles-Wallonie ont connu ce drame, mais ce qui les révolte le plus, c’est de constater que dans notre société, aucune association n’acceptait de soutenir leur combat.
En dehors du dédale de situations tout à fait personnelles, il est constaté que bien des pères de familles tombent dans la pauvreté et même à la rue parce que:
1- lors de la fixation de la pension alimentaire, le juge tient compte des revenus actuels du père, et non de sa situation lorsque le divorce sera prononcé et qu’il ne sera plus chef de famille.
2- lors de la fixation de la pension alimentaire, le juge tient compte de la demande de la partie adverse sans tenir compte des revenus réels du père ni de savoir comment il pourra vivre (logement décent et vie décente).
Zohrab, Peter Douglas
The Move to Female Subjectivity as the Standard for Law and Policy
Session II – Saturday, January 3
The Domestic Violence Act 1995 provides that a person in New Zealand may apply for a protection order, in order to prevent other persons (now or formerly living with them) from coming near him/her or communicating with him/her. Protection orders can be imposed without the other person knowing that a court was even considering the matter. Not only can a person have this penalty imposed on them without having a chance to defend themselves, but subsections 13(2) and 14(5) state that, in all applications for protection orders, the judge must take into account:
(a) The perception of the applicant or a child of the applicant's family, or both, of the nature and seriousness of the respondent's behaviour; and
(b) The effect of that behaviour on the applicant or a child of the applicant's family, or both.
So, not only is Natural Justice breached by the fact that a penalty can be imposed on someone in his/her absence, but he/she can be penalised for the effect of his/her behaviour on someone else and for the perception that someone (apart from the judge) has of his/her behaviour – neither of which he/she can fully control. Some – maybe many – people would say that the effect of someone's behaviour on someone else is something that the law should be concerned with – even if that effect is not totally under the control of the former person. However, since the act mentions the effect of someone's behaviour, why should it also mention someone's perception of someone else's behaviour, which is also not under the second person's full control?
Most people who apply for protection orders are female, so what is really involved here is the law's concern for female subjectivity. This paper discusses this phenomenon in the context of feminism and masculism.

Université d'été de Langeac , 25=31uillet 1999
Déclaration de LANGEAC
1. Pères et mères doivent se voir accorder un statut égal dans la vie de l'enfant et doivent avoir des droits égaux et des responsabilités égales.
2. Quand les parents ne peuvent s'entendre, les enfants doivent passer un temps de vie égal avec chaque parent.
3. La parentalité doit être basée seulement sur la relation parent-enfant, non sur celle entre parents. Les enfants ont le droit de connaître leurs deux parents et réciproquement.
1. Interêts de l'enfant
a) Les intérêts de l'enfant ne doivent pas être vus comme une entité pré-définie et séparée des parents et de la famille ou comme un objet défini par les autorités publiques et les professionnels. Les parents agiront comme intermédiaire pour interpréter les intérêts de leurs enfants, excepté les cas extrêmes d'abus individuel ou d'incapacité parentale.
b) Les autorités publiques et les tiers peuvent et doivent être encouragés à aider les familles et les membres de la famille quand ils ont besoin d'aide et si nécessaire par anticipation. Cependant en aucun cas, excepté celui d'abus sévère, ils n'ont le droit d'intervenir quand les parents ne le souhaitent pas.
c) L'enfant a droit de communiquer avec ses parents quelle que soit la situation.
d) La parenté biologique doit être établie à la naissance par test ADN. Pout tout test ADN, les preuves matérielles et les échantillons devront être détruits immédiatement après que le diagnostic de parentalité (ou non-parentalité) aura été établi.
2. Contrats entre les parents
a) Les parents seront capables de signer légalement les contrats validés qui peuvent modifier leurs droits individuels vis-à-vis de leurs enfants, c'est-à-dire: en cas de séparation, ils peuvent accepter de faire une division non égale du temps et des salaires si tous les deux le souhaitent, ou incorporer des clauses impliquant une prestation compensatoire. Les bureaucraties gouvernementales impliquées dans les domaines sont chargées de créer des formulaires adaptés et des formules afin de simplifier les choix impliqués et le coût de tels procédures.
b) Dans tous les cas, les parents pourront avoir accès à des conseils et accords type (contrats), par médiation ou intervention judiciaire, qui constitueront comme des outils valides permettant la formalisation de méthodes telles que la division du temps de résidence, etc ...
3. Respect de la liberté individuelle de chaque parent
a)... ne seront pas modifiés, sauf par les besoins minimum de coopération parentale.
b) éloignement géographique : quand l'un ou les deux parents souhaitent s'éloigner, conduisant à des difficultés potentielles de contact, coûts de transport et discontinuité relationnelle avec les enfants, peuvent nécessiter des autorités extérieures de prendre des décisions affectant les quantités de temps passées avec chaque parent. Ceci parce que le libre choix de résidence de l'adulte peut-être en conflit avec les compromis nécessaires pour garantir la résidence parentale. A ce stade, les décisions doivent prendre en compte tous les facteurs, incluant par exemple le besoin de trouver un emploi par mutation, et le besoin de respecter les choix et décisions de l'adulte. Les hypothèses basées sur le dogme de la stabilité de résidence ne doivent pas être faits.
4. Parents adoptifs, famille étendue et autres proches
Les enfants ont droit à la fréquentation et à l'information provenant des membres des familles étendues des deux cotés et réciproquement. Le parent résidentiel à n'importe quel instant a droit de décision finale sur le contact des enfants avec les autres parties, excepté la famille élargie, parents et parents adoptifs. L'enfant a le droit de connaitre ses deux parents naturels, de recevoir et d'envoyer des communications à chacun d'eux avec la preuve qu'elles sont arrivées.
5. Contexte Politico-légal
a) Le contexte politico-légal dans lequel des distinctions parentales sont décidées doit être clair et équitable entre les sexes, sans discrimination positive ou négative. Les relations entre hommes, femmes et enfants seront traitées afin de prévenir le développement de compétition entre groupes et antagonisme entre eux. Il n'y aura aucune présomption que les besoins d'un groupe l'emporteront sur les intérêts des autres.
b) Les intérêts des enfants sont définis par les parents, ensemble. En cas de séparation, ils doivent être définis par chaque parent pendant sa période de résidence avec l'enfant. Seulement dans le cas où l'abus caractérisé de l'enfant est établi, les autres parties ou corps public ont le droit de supplanter les décisions parentales. Dans tous les autres cas, leur pouvoir de décision doit être limité à la capacité de fournir aide et assistance aux familles dans le besoin.
6. Egalité dans le travail
a) Les deux sexes doivent avoir un droit égal d'absence parentale du travail.
b) Les structures de travail doivent être organisées afin que les deux parents soient capables de participer autant que possible à la vie de leurs enfants.
c) Ceci nécessite incontestablement la réorganisation de l'emploi afin qu'en de nombreux points ceci reflète le programme de travail des enseignants du primaire et du secondaire. Cette proposition est faite, évidemment, dans le contexte d'une réduction globale des nécessités du travailleur et à la lumière de la conscience générale du besoin d'enrichir les liens émotionnels et fonctionnels entre les générations.
7. Médiation, Discrétion Judiciaire et Implication des intermédiaires professionnels
a) La médiation familiale par l'intermédiaire de tiers professionnels serait préférable quand le bien-être de l'enfant l'exige. La résidence ne doit pas être dépendante de l'appréciation par des professionnels de la coopération ou non coopération parentale.
b) Certaines décisions nécessitent le consentement conjoint. Les structures doivent être mises en place pour le permettre, soit par l'intermédiaire de tiers ou directement. Exemples de telles décisions: vaccinations (soins médicaux), choix d'école, rythme d'alternance de résidence, etc ...
c) Seulement dans le cas où les parents ne peuvent arriver à un accord mutuel, l'intervention de médiateurs en première instance ou de la justice en dernier ressort devient nécessaire.
d) Dans les cas où les parents n'aboutissent pas ou ne peuvent pas aboutir à un accord, ni directement ni par médiation, les juges devront prendre la décision à leur place. Ceci n'implique pas que les autorités extérieures ont le droit de décider la proportion de résidence parentale, mais seulement la répartition temporelle acceptée par les deux parents ou à défaut 50/50.
e) Justice ne doit pas seulement être rendue mais être rendue visiblement. Les débats à huis clos doivent être évités autant que possible. Là où il est jugé nécessaire ou souhaitable de protéger l'identité des parties, des enregistrements des débats et la justification de la décision doivent être rendues publiques. A cette fin, des enregistrements sténographiés de tous les débats doivent être conservés.
f) La médiation doit être accessible avant, pendant et après le divorce/séparation. La médiation doit être indépendante des tribunaux. Elle doit toujours être un service public gratuit, libre d'accès et sans discrimination sexiste. Les tribunaux doivent respecter les accords de médiation et l'intervention médiatrice.
8. Finances
a) Si les parents sont financièrement capables, chaque parent doit être tenu financièrement responsable pour la moitié des coûts des soins de l'enfant. Ce coût peut être prédéterminé sur la base du minimum de coût de l'entretien et des soins à l'enfant, qui seront la responsabilité des parents en première instance, et de l'Etat ou d'autres corps responsables quand les parents ne remplissent pas ou ne peuvent remplir leurs obligations.
b) Tout autre accord ou contrat entre les parents au regard de l'assistance financière et autres attentions à l'enfant peuvent être initiés conjointement par les deux parents. C'est-à-dire, les deux parents peuvent mutuellement signer légalement des contrats valides modifiant leurs droits respectifs, par exemple, en donnant plus ou moins d'argent ou de temps de résidence à l'un ou l'autre parent.
9. Abus d'enfants
i) cruauté;
ii) négligence;
iii) violence;
iv) abus sexuels
doivent être traités comme relevant de la loi pénale, par les règles de résidence et parentalité égale. La présomption d'innocence sauf culpabilité prouvée doit être appliquée dans tous les cas sauf ceux du b) ci-dessous.
a) L'évaluation d'abus d'enfant doit être sans préjudice. Les quatre types d'abus n'ont aucun ordre de priorité dans les décisions judiciaires. A moins que les accusations soient d'une gravité telle qu'elles affectent la sécurité immédiate de l'enfant, aucune décision de suspendre la résidence de l'enfant ne doit être prise.
b) Quand les accusations existent et si la résidence doit être suspendue, une provision immédiate d'investigation pour évaluer les dangers de résidence doivent être mis en place, avec un maximum de deux semaines de délai permis avant 50/50 ou autre double résidence agréée est restaurée. La séparation ne doit pas être utilisée comme une occasion de réviser les droits de résidence de l'un des parents.
c) Fausses accusations et parjure doivent être sévèrement traités selon la loi pénale.
d) L'éloignement parental dégrade la relation parent enfant, au détriment du meilleur intérêt de l'enfant, et doit être vu comme un abus d'enfant. Les actions par l'autorité de l'Etat qui dégradent les relations parents-enfants doivent être vues comme une forme d'abus d'enfant et associées aux sanctions correspondantes.
10. Cas sans relation avec l'égalité parentale
L'égalité parentale ne concerne pas les cas où l'un ou les deux parents refusent ou ne peuvent pas prendre leurs responsabilité vis-à-vis de leurs enfants, pour les protéger ou les entretenir. Ceci concerne seulement les cas où chaque parent veut s'occuper et être responsable des enfants au nom de l'autre parent. Dans le cadre de l'égalité parentale, il est reconnu que forcer les parents de s'occuper de leur enfant physiquement quand ils affirment qu'ils ne le souhaitent pas n'est probablement pas recommandé. Cependant, étant donné que l'obligation financière à l'égard de l'enfant existe, le besoin de fournir des soins subsiste, à la charge des parents ou de l'Etat. De même, l'abus d'enfant sous l'égalité parentale est considéré comme une question distincte et séparée.
... sont définis comme les parents biologiques ou, dans le cas d'abus sévère par les parents biologiques ou quand les enfants sont orphelins, les parents adoptifs.
... signifie un être humain de sa naissance à la date de sa majorité ( ou de son émancipation).
... est constituée d'un enfant et de ses parents biologiques ou adoptifs.
Famille étendue
... sont les proches de sang de l'enfant et ses parents adoptifs.
Chaque partie de cette déclaration est associée à l'ensemble et ne peut pas être appliquée hors du contexte des autres clauses.
Signé le Vendredi 30 Juillet 1999 par:
Antonio Diaz Piñeiro e-mail, url, Téléphone, fax
Tel.: 0034 (0)981 631661,
0034 (0)981 152222
Fax: (34)981140014 Pays
Galicia, España Association
Frank McGlynn Ireland Amen
George Brito georgeb@entelchile.net
Tel.: (562) 2723905 Chile Corporación de Padres
Gerhard Hanenkamp brain@gabnet.com
Tel:0049 (0) 4965 914 914
Fax: 0049 (0) 4965 914 915 Deutschland
Ipe Smit ipesmit@worldonline.nl
Tel: 0031 (0) 348 40 25 10 Holland Dutch Parents Platform
Joep Zander zander@daxis.nl
Tel: 0031 (0) 570 62 17 84 Holland Dutch Parents Platform
Julian Fitzgerald familyroutes@aesops.force9.co.uk
Tel: 00 44 (0)113 229 8949 England FamilyRoutes
Liam O Gogain liamog@amen.iol.ie
Ireland Parental Equality
Mary T. Cleary amen@iol.ie
Tel: 00353 (0)46 23718 Ireland Amen
Peter Farrell agb@pe.iol.ie
Tel.:00353 (0)1 282 0101 Ireland Parental Equality
Sam Caroll fatherhood.handbook@indigo.ie
Ireland Parental Equality
Yannick Grèzes Yannick.GREZES@wanadoo.fr
Tel: 0033 (0)450 90 19 64 France FMCP
Autor:Yannick Grèzes
Erstellungsdatum 31.07.1999 G*A*B - Datum:07.09.1999 Mail: Yannick.GREZES@wanadoo.fr
Letzte Änderung: 11/24/2003 01:29:58
© G*A*B; Überarbeitet am: 11/24/2003 01:29:58 ; Adresse der Webseite: http://www.gabnet.com/ep/fr/epdecfr.htm

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